This website, the brand EMFA Automatismos MAP S.L. and the domain belong to the company EMFA Automatismos MAP S.L. with registered office in “Avd. del Vallés, 330 Polígono industrial Els Bellots, 08227 Terrassa and CIF B-59303834.
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Conditions of use and access / Data protection:
1. Access to this website automatically implies acceptance of the present conditions of use and access, which may be modified at any time and without prior notice by EMFA Automatismos MAP S.L.
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3. The link established with the user upon access to the content of this website, which we make available free of charge and for informational purposes only, in any way constitutes a professional or trust relationship between EMFA Automatismos MAP S.L. and you, so that such contents may not ever be considered as legal advice. It should also be noted that such content may not reflect recent case law or legislation on the issues raised and may be modified, developed or updated without previous notice.
4. The rights of intellectual and industrial property on the entire content of this website, whether text, images, files, logos, color schemes, or any other element, its structure and design, the selection and presentation of the materials included therein, correspond exclusively to EMFA Automatismos MAP S.L. except where indicated otherwise or in cases in which they proceed to reproduce information contained or published in media, in which case the rights of intellectual property would correspond to the media company in question.
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6. Affixing links to this website or any of its pages from other sites without the prior written consent of EMFA Automatismos MAP S.L. is strictly forbidden. Once the consent is obtained, the link must be to the home page and in full-screen, not being allowed any modification of the aesthetics or contents thereof. In any case, it is strictly forbidden to include links to this site, or any of its pages, from other websites with contents that go against the moral or good customs, have sexually explicit content or encourage directly or indirectly the violation of third party intellectual property rights.
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8. The present conditions of use and access are subject to Spanish law, as EMFA Automatismos MAP S.L.’s activities are carried out from Spain.